Protecting workers in the real estate industry

Prioritize health and safety with our cutting-edge lone worker devices, now recommended by OSHA following huge $164K fines.
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Let's Talk Numbers


fatalities in the real estate industry (BLS 2021)


of realtors fear for their personal safety (National Association of Realtors)


injuries and illnesses in real estate (BLS 2021)

Real Estate risks

Meeting strangers in unfamiliar locations
Irregular working hours - often darker evenings
Open house events require agents to welcome strangers into a property
Remote property viewings increases vulnerability
Slips, trips and falls - especially in cold, icy conditions

The ID Touch is popular with real estate workers

It's a personal safety device disguised as an ID badge which means it's very discreet to activate. But we understand that one size doesn't fit all! So why not mix and match to suit the requirements of your team?

Explore the ID Touch

Our other devices:

Features to protect the Real Estate industry

Our customers choose from a mix of safety features to best suit the requirements of their workforce, reduce risk, and improve occupational safety and wellbeing.

Benefits for the Real Estate industry

Reduced liability
Boost employee morale
Enhanced worker safety
Timely response to emergencies
Reduced downtime due to safety incidents

Benefits for the Real Estate industry

Reduce possibility of OSHA fines
Boost employee morale
Enhanced worker safety
Timely response to emergencies
Reduced downtime due to safety incidents

Protecting Real Estate Leaders for over 20 years

Sky is using SoloProtect devices to keep workers safe while they work alone.

"Many of our colleagues are in front-line, customer-facing roles and SoloProtect’s lone worker devices give them immediate access to support in the event of an emergency.”

“From the first interaction with SoloProtect, they provided Bella Casa with a team of people who wanted to understand our needs and do the best possible job to meet those needs”

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the specific risks that real estate agents face while working alone, and how can lone worker security address them?

Real estate agents working alone face risks such as meeting strangers in vacant properties, navigating unfamiliar neighborhoods, and hosting open house events. Lone worker security solutions, like panic buttons and safety apps, provide real-time communication and emergency alerts, enabling quick responses to potential threats.

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Are there legal requirements or regulations that real estate agencies need to follow regarding lone worker safety?

The legal requirements regarding lone worker safety can vary by location. It's essential to stay informed about local occupational health and safety regulations. Implementing comprehensive safety measures not only helps comply with these regulations but also reduces potential liabilities in case of workplace incidents.

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How can I choose the right lone worker security solution for my real estate business?

When selecting a lone worker security solution, consider factors such as ease of use, reliability, 24/7 monitoring, GPS tracking, and the ability to customize escalation procedures. Assess the unique needs of your agents to find the solution that best suits your business.

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Government employer?

SoloProtect is GSA approved for efficient municipal purchasing.
Learn more

Book a demo

Pick a time on our calendar to learn how our team can protect your team.

What is the best way to reach you?
Got it-- Now, we just need some info about your company.
Lastly, how many lone workers does your organization employ & what kinds of risks do they face?
Schedule your demo
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